Anything 4A Laugh
English Standup Comedy
60 ₪ בקופת ההופעה
Anything 4A Laugh
English Standup Comedy
A night of hilarity featuring Deb Kaye & friends
Kobi Balulu, Deb Kaye, Martin Winiar
● Entry from the age of 18.
● Doors open about an hour before the start of the show and it is recommended to arrive early.
● There is an order of food and drinks by waiters before the performance.
● The seating around the tables and bar, and the seating arrangement is determined by the venue staff (there is no obligation to sit around a table or at a table alone).
● Tickets can be canceled up to 48 hours before the performance, subject to a cancellation fee of 5 NIS per ticket. After this date there will be no cancellations.
₪ במכירה מוקדמת
₪ בקופת ההופעה
נוקטורנו בית וקפה Nocturno Home & Cafe
מתחם תרבות, הופעות, בית קפה-מסעדה וחנות מעצבים.
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